Cucumber, Rosemary Gin & Tonic Recipe

Cucumber, Rosemary Gin & Tonic Recipe With all that’s been happening around the globe with the Coronavirus, now is the time to stay indoors and try out all the fun recipes you’ve been collecting over the years and been wanting to make in the comfort of your home, including the one we’re about [...]

By |2020-03-25T08:17:00+00:0025 Mar|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Easy Chocolate Fondant Recipe for Valentine’s Day

Easy Chocolate Fondant Recipe for Valentine’s Day Love is in the air and nothing says “I love you” quite like a delicious chocolate dessert❤️ If the way to your partner’s heart is through their stomach, make ‘liefie’ feel extra special this Valentine’s Day with one of the most romantic desserts: Chocolate Fondant. Quick [...]

By |2020-02-12T06:58:30+00:0012 Feb|Uncategorized|0 Comments

‘Pampoentert’ Resep

‘Pampoentert’ Resep Pampoentert is ALTYD 'n goeie idee, of hoe?! Dis een van die lekkerste eg Suid-Afrikaanse geregte waarmee baie van ons grootgeword het. Bak Tyd: 1,5 uur Oond Temperatuur: 150°C                                  : Bestandele:  1 koppie Suiker                                                         60g Botter gesmelt 25ml Koekmeel                                                         3 Koppies Fyn gaar Pampoen 5ml Sout                 [...]

By |2019-10-25T06:23:46+00:0015 Oct|Uncategorized|0 Comments

‘Patat Kolwyntjies’ Resep

‘Patat Kolwyntjies’ Resep Patat Kolwyntjies is ALTYD 'n goeie idee, of hoe?! Sien die volledige resep hieronder: Porsies: 24                                                                  Benodighede: Bak Tyd: 30 min                                                        Menger Oond Temperatuur: 180°C                                  Rasper KG/LT BESTANDELE STAP METODE 2 Kopppies Patat [...]

By |2019-09-13T06:21:32+00:0013 Sep|Uncategorized|0 Comments

‘Swartbroodjie’ Resep

‘Swartbroodjie’ Resep Lus vir ‘n heerlike smul-lekker brood resep? Dan moet jy ons bekende Swartbroodjie resep by die huis probeer! Dit is perfek saam enige ete, maar veral as ontbyt saam met regte botter en plaaskonfyt. Porsies: 3                                                                       Benodighede: Bak Tyd: 50 min                                                          Klein brood pannetjies Oond Temperatuur: 180°C      [...]

By |2019-08-13T11:11:35+00:0013 Aug|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Sweet Potato & Coconut Soup Recipe

Sweet Potato & Coconut Soup Recipe If you missed out on trying our delicious Sweet Potato and Coconut soup at our Patat Restaurant last month, now you can try it right in the comfort of your own home! 😃 How to make: Ingredients 3 Green Cardamom Pods                                                4cm Piece of Fresh Ginger 1 [...]

By |2019-08-01T12:09:02+00:001 Aug|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Heritage day braai recipe winner

Heritage day braai recipe winner Ons het ter ere van Erfenisdag vanjaar besluit om een van ons gunsteling Suid-Afrikaanse tradisies te vier met ‘n kompetisie – die braai! Ons het smul-lekker resepte ontvang regoor die land, maar die wen resep het ons monde omtrent laat water - Vanessa Willet se Mexicana Kruisbiefstuk wat [...]

By |2018-11-20T07:24:32+00:0020 Nov|Uncategorized|0 Comments

How to get the blood pumping in Oudtshoorn

When you visit the beautiful Oudtshoorn, you will see that there are many things to do. There is something for everyone; the adrenaline junkie, the culture vulture and even the family man. Here are a few things we recommend doing when in Oudtshoorn and you want to get the blood pumping. 1. Caving at the [...]

By |2018-10-29T11:17:38+00:0029 Oct|Uncategorized|0 Comments
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